03 December 2008

Crazy Home Lab

Actually I found this site quite long time ago, I'm amazed by the craziness of the owner's home lab. You've probably seen this site before, since this site is quite famous.

This site is named Uber Geek, the owner of this site is Scott Morris. His resume alone is outstanding, he's a quadruple CCIE, meaning he owns all four of the CCIE tracks.
And he also wins all other networking certifications that you can dream of.

Once you see the lab he has, you'd understand what I'm saying:

I can't say anything but this lab is just crazy, not only Cisco devices but also Juniper, Sun, Dell, etc.
Some of the small ISPs in my country don't even have these kind of devices I think.

Of course with those four big racks and massive amount of devices comes a great requirements. From the heat come from the devices he made special air conditioning environment at his basement.

I know the idea to build this kind of lab is no where near possible for people that just want to pass certification exams like CCNA or even CCNP. Especially if you don't get enough income from your networking projects.
Nevertheless having a lab like this will make your future clients won't doubt about your expertise.

So I say, start building your home network lab, add in some Cisco or other devices one by one and maybe eventually you'll come close to Scott Morris' lab.